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Street Shinny is a fun and friendly, non-contact outdoor roller hockey community.

SIGN UP NOW for FREE below!


WHO: We are welcoming all ages and skill levels with skates and a stick for free or very affordable drop-in games.

WHERE: We are based in Vancouver, hosting games at various locations around the Lower Mainland. If you are outside this area, you can still sign up and we'll be in touch to help.

WHEN: Year-round at various spots. Over the Winter we have 3 dry options in UBC, Port Moody and Langley

WHAT: Friendly beginner/intermediate games at small courts on mini-nets to more competitive (still friendly) games on larger courts with goalies.

 WHY: There are so many people that want to play weekly fun drop in games and lots of cool facilities to play in. We just hope to be able to connect the dots.

HOW: Our priority is safety! Players that can not play in a safe, respectful and controlled manner will be removed. No slap shots, body contact, body checking or aggressive stick checks. The fun follows when everyone feels safe.

INFRACTIONS: There are no refs, infractions are automatic. If you commit an infraction, intentional or not, sub yourself off. If any player calls an infraction on you, whether you agree or not, sub yourself off. Upon the second infraction they are done for the game and potentially suspended for the next.

Keep it fun, light and positive at all times.


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Any questions contact us!


