The best Street & Outdoor Roller Hockey Gear
We love the feeling of skating outside on a cool autumn day. On the west coast we rarely get pond hockey, so I think our excitement for playing street hockey was tapping into something similar. Being able to play all day long with friends, for fun, for free, was everything.
In the shop we see everyone, players who want the full games with goalies or those who just wheel around solo to practice, to meditate, or just get out of the house.
Any time you can roll around with a puck or ball is a joy. After about 30-40 minutes I feel like a new person. Improving hockey skills, improving cardio, stretching the body are all great side effects, but just skating outside is it's own reward.
Most people have a driveway, smooth street, lacrosse box, or dry area nearby where you can get that feeling! Here's a handful of the popular products we use regularly to find our hockey flow on the street.
$69.00 from $65.00
$10.00 $8.50
$39.00 from $35.00